The permanent display has been conceived as an educational
unit consisting of several smaller subunits. It provides
us with an insight into the life of people in the Križevci
area from the prehistoric times to the 20th century. The
Archaeological Collection
takes us through local cultures and events and covers
the period from the New Stone Age to the late Middle Ages.
The Old Arms Collection
is a display of infantrymen's weapons and firearms used
in the area through history. Through everyday objects
and interpretations of customs the Ethnographic
Collection paints a complete picture of a former rural
life, hard and pleasant at the same time. The Collection
is supplemented with an ethno-park in the Museum yard,
where we can see examples of traditional rural architecture
of the Križevci area. The Sacral
Collection shows us the spiritual importance of the
town by putting on display many wooden sacral sculptures
that used to decorate churches in the Križevci area. We
can learn about local guilds through various guild rules,
charts, flags, chests, seals, tools and final products,
which proves that the town was an important trade centre
as well. The Cultural
and Historical Collection follows the development
of the urban social class of Križevci, dominant at the
end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
In this context, the town has been given a cultural and
a scientific role as the birthplace of many famous people:
Milena Šugh and Alberto Štriga (the opera singers), Nina
Vavra (the actress), Franjo Marković (the poet and philosopher)
and Marcel Kiepach (the inventor), which winds up a general
representation of Križevci through centuries. |